Here is a curated list of events, news, article and more in the month of August22 from all over the world to make "AI Simple"
1. Tamil Nadu government plans to use #AI surveillance to prevent elephant deaths in Train Accidents. The proposed AI system to be installed along this stretch is meant to issue warnings about elephant crossings. #aiforgood#aiforall
2. #GenerativeAI has the potential of augmenting the capability of Artist in to rapidly experiment with multiple ideas and bring out their original piece. Thanks to Kapil Khairnar for bringing forth this #story to help a layman understand the potential of #aiart
3. If you are looking to make a shift to Career in AI, then this article for Andrew Ng is a must read, especially those who are entering AI from a different field.
4. GM and Volvo introduces vehicle diagnosis using computer vision
5. Startup Spotlight : DeepTek’s AI-powered radiology solution, an Indian startup accelerates Mongolia's fight against TB
Special : Why developing an AI mindset is more important than learning coding
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The new and update feature will be published fortnightly and since this is a passion project by people who are otherwise working full time, but our committed to the cause of making AI simple for all, we will need all your support and feedback to make this reach to a bigger audience.
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