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5 must read A.I Books for Beginners

A student reading book in the library
Artificial Intelligence Books for Beginners

I know, we today, have many video tutorials explaining artificial intelligence. I have also learnt a.i or machine learning majorly using digital tools , but then i picked up a book on it. I realized that when you sit with a book , it helps you develop depth in your understanding. Here are my suggestions of books which can help even beginners understand A.I in a more comprehensive manner.

1. Programming Collective Intelligence, PCI as it is popularly known, is one of the best books to start learning machine learning. It has interesting case studies which will help you to understand the importance of using machine learning algorithms. (credits :

Programming Collective Intelligence

2. To get up to speed on artificial intelligence, Microsoft cofounder and philanthropist Bill Gates recommends Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence and Pedro Domingos's  The Master Algorithm . (credits :

Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence

3. “Machine Learning For Dummies” by John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron

(credits :

Machine Learning For Dummies

4. If you're looking for something up-to-date on AI development then go for Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming by Peter Norvig . The book uses Python code examples but you don't really need to know Python to make your way through this text. (credits :

Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming by Peter Norvig

5. Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners, Second Edition  has been written and designed for  absolute beginners . This book is designed for readers taking their first steps in machine learning and further learning will be required beyond this book to master machine learning. 

Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners

For some reason books are still called real friends , because they can help to build your basics in a more coherent manner.


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